Launched in 2005, the Academy for Manufacturing Careers is a skilled trades apprenticeship and customized training program designed by manufacturers to meet the needs of manufacturers across south-central Michigan. The program is sponsored by and delivered through the Jackson Area Manufacturers Association in partnership with The Enterprise Group of Jackson and South Central Michigan Works!. The program is certified as a Registered Apprenticeship Program through the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Apprenticeship and is operated as a Licensed Proprietary School with the State of Michigan. The Academy provides training of CNC machinists, welders and robotic weld technicians, engineering techs, tool & die makers, machine builders, and more. The program has garnered state, regional and national recognition as an innovative model for talent development, including being designated as a Talented Workforce Initiative by the Great Lakes Manufacturing Council and as a 21st Century Apprenticeship Trailblazer and Innovator by the U.S. Dept. of Labor.
Jackson Area Manufacturers Association and the Academy for Manufacturing Career are partner organizations of The Enterprise Group of Jackson, Inc.